Thursday, June 3, 2010

List Of Popular Video/Audio Formats

AAC (Advanced Audio Coding)
AAC format was developed to improve after the MP3 audio format, and use more advanced form of compression. According to some listening tests, AAC files encoded at low bit rates (eg 96 Kbps) sound as good as or better than MP3 encoded at high bit rate like 128 Kbps (), though a smaller scale.

In the current version of the AAC codec developed as a standard part of MPEG4. The AAC version used by Apple in their popular iTunes ? store and the Sony PlayStation ? 3 game console. File may appear 的 ". M4a" or ". Mp4 format" file extension. And DRM (Digital Rights Management songs) from iTunes stores, usually have a ". M4p" and "P end of the" extension (for "protection").

AIFF format (Audio Interchange File Format)
For the Macintosh operating system, typically used to store compressed audio format, CD quality sound (similar to PC-based Windows WAV file). AIFF format is considered a non-destructive container format.

Apple Lossless
Apple Lossless Encoding (also known as Apple Lossless, Apple Lossless Audio Codec or ALE) is a lossless audio codec developed by Apple Computer to provide about half of the original file space is full, CD quality audio.

Sony's engineers developed the MiniDisc format of the early 90s, is detrimental to the ATRAC audio codec that provides a relatively small file size close to CD quality sound.

ATRAC3 ? format
Author's ATRAC format, squeezed into a smaller music files later. It is used in some portable music players store music Sony digial ..

ATRAC3plus ?
The author's ATRAC codec latest version. Sony ATRAC3plus found Hi - MD portable recorders, and to provide more than the previous version of the low bit rate or even better sound quality.

A commonly used audio format sound clips posted on the Internet. AU files can be played in Windows, Macintosh, and other operating systems.

AVCHD format
High-definition digital video format that can record 1080i and 720p and still maintain a reasonably small file size. AVCHD files are MPEG4-based codec. High Definition (HD) televisions and monitors, has sent in this format, and high-definition television signals at the same resolution development. AVCHD format video files can be burned to Blu-ray Disc ?, and compatible devices, such as Blu-ray disc players and play Sony PlayStation ? 3.

AVI (audio / video interleaved)
One for storage and playback on Windows PCs sound back to the movie clip file format. AVI files organized into alternating ("interleaved") audio and video data blocks. AVI is a container format, which means that it specifies how to organize data, but is not an audio or video compression formats.

AVI is a file, the file is created when DV clips are imported from digital video camera to the computer type. (These pieces often referred to as "in DV - AVI file", because they contain a complete high-quality digital video content.)

Bit rate
And audio compression, data storage, the average one second of music (thousand bits per second, or Kbps for that). Some people like MP3, WMA codec and AAC files encoded at different bit rates allowed. In general, due to lower bit rate, and therefore the resulting files sound quality, and the necessary memory to store it.

BMP (Windows bitmap image)
A standard format for Windows-based personal computer stored images. BMP images can be compressed or compressed. This type of file, sometimes there with. "的 DIB" extension.

Codec is a compression and decompression of digital files. Each codec uses a slightly different algorithm is set to do this.

Container format
Container format is a file in its own different types of data. Container format, such as RealAudio and TIFF format, because they were in the popularity of multimedia applications, and its cross-platform compatibility. For example, a container can hold files Chapter information, links and captions, as well as codecs, different types of player to read files of different types.

The DV (digital video)
DV is a lot of mini DV tape camcorders usually use format. Although the DV format, video compression using the damage (real-time for you and your camera records), it is still the form of memory-intensive applications. When transferred to a computer, a DV clip takes about one every 5 minutes of video storage space. (Clips are typically stored in a computer or QuickTime. AVI file.)

Although the use of compression, can provide up to 520 lines of resolution DV clean image. Use of DV as a "frame" - that is, all its code in the standard 30 frames per second frame rate video compression type is called. This makes the frame by the frame editing. In contrast, support MPEG1 or MPEG2 as often by reducing the number of frames per second processing and coding the difference between full frame video sequence, so that more precise editing video decoder difficult. These are called "frame" compression format.

DivX 的
The DivX DivX is a company with a relatively small file compressed into a great video content, still retains a very good image quality when playing. DivX is based on the MPEG - 4, is a popular choice to send video files via the Internet.

The GIF (Graphics Interchange Format)
A storing digital images, commonly used in bullets, icons use format, and other graphics on the web. GIF format is limited to 256 colors, so it is not commonly referred to as JPEG is used to store digital photos. Combined with a single GIF file can be a few basic animation frame motion.

JPEG format
Named after the joint team, JPEG is used to store and transmit a full-color which is often used in Web publishing photos and illustrations on the digital image codec loss photographer. JPEG compression using the human eye can not see the color change point lead, cancellation of the original image file data portion. When creating a JPEG file, with different degrees of compression to choose from, depending on the desired file size and image quality.

As a sports JPEG codec that the form of a number of digital cameras and camcorders with memory relatively small file size video clips. With the Motion JPEG format, each video frame recorded separately, and reduce the use of JPEG compression in the scale.

Lossless data compression
The name implies, lossless compression retains all the original files in the data because of its conversion to a smaller file size. When a lossless TIFF files, such as the one to be opened, all the compression algorithms, reducing the information to create a duplicate source file. Lossless compression is generally preferred to create high-quality or professional grade audio and video files, which is important to keep the details.

Lossy data compression
This type of data compression, some of the source file information will be discarded, to save space. Unzip the file, this information is through the reconstruction algorithm, usually in a number of sound quality or loss of image detail than the original. In general, the higher the resolution of compressed files and less degradation. A 256 Kbps 的 MP3 music files, such as resolution, often sounds more like a source file than a 64 Kbps 的.

MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface)
MIDI files do not contain actual audio data, but contains a command, give and MIDI synthesizer function to re-create a particular music through. In the MIDI protocol has been used as a method of an electronic musical instrument (such as digital keyboards, sequencer) to communicate with each other.

Capacity of the computer sound card function is usually interpreted as a MIDI music files. Because they do not actually contain the music itself, but an order for re-creating music, MIDI files are like than a lot of MP3, WMA format audio files, or WAVs smaller. MIDI file size small, and management are not, it is not uncommon to find them embedded in web pages and increase the sound element of the surfing experience. They usually occur. "'s MID" file extension.

MPEG Moving Picture Experts Group representatives - a committee set up for digital movies and sound coding international standard. There are several audio / The name of this group bear video format. In addition to the popularity of the Internet, several MPEG formats used in A / V equipment, different types:

Support MPEG1. This format is commonly used in digital cameras and camcorders to capture small, easy to transfer video clips. This is also the compression format used to create video CDs, and often used in the clip posted on the Internet. Well-known MP3 audio format (as defined below) in support of MPEG1 encoding part.
MPEG2-. Commercial production of DVD movies, home-recorded DVD discs, and most digital satellite TV programs using MPEG2 video compression to provide high-quality pictures. MPEG2 is also TiVo's DVR by the use of lossy compression format. It can be comparable to DV format, when it comes to picture quality. Because MPEG2 is a compression, elimination of a DV video signal than the original large part of the "heavy" form, but it is more difficult to edit precision. Allows the use of MPEG2 codec for, this is how home DVD recorders and hard disk recorders can provide alternative recording compression speed range. MPEG2's is considered a container format.
MPEG4-. A flexible MPEG container format for streaming and downloadable Web content. Its video format camcorders and digital cameras more and more employment.
MP3 playback (supports MPEG1, Audio Layer 3)
Used to store and transfer music the most popular codecs. Although it uses a lossy compression system, which can determine the frequency, basically can not hear, MP3 still manages to materialize in a file that only about one-tenth or 12 of the corresponding compressed close to CD quality WAV file size. When creating an MP3 file, you can choose different compression depends on the desired file size and the amount of sound quality. For more information, please see our article on the MP3 format.

The mp3PRO
Analysis: The original MP3 codec later. Small size, low bit rate mp3PRO file contains more high frequency detail than the same low bit rate coding standard MP3 files. High-frequency part of the audio signal processed by an advanced, highly effective encoding as Spectral Band Replication (SBR method) known process, while the rest of the signal as a regular MP3 encoding. This means that when you hit the mp3PRO non-compliant software 1 mp3PRO files, you will hear the non-coding part of the SBR method (so you completely lose the high points). However, when encoding and playback using Windows Media Player fully compatible audio program, can provide very good sound quality mp3PRO file, the use of low bit rate.

Ogg Vorbis format - see Vorbis format

QuickTime is used to store and play a sound file format movies. While the developed countries and support Apple-based company, this flexible format are not limited to Macintosh operating system - which is commonly used Windows system and other types of computing platforms. In Windows, QuickTime files usually appear. "Movement" file extension.

A minimally invasive received from the digital camera image files processed data. Most camera manufacturers have their own proprietary RAW image format version, as well as their own file extension. Canon, for example, use ". Crw" or ". CR2 to thank them for the RAW version." Nikon RAW files in the "end. Equal," while Sony uses. "This week said," and. "SRF" suffix.

Professionals prefer to shoot RAW, because the large file contains additional information to allow greater flexibility in post-production editing. Because the image is basically raw (as opposed to a JPEG image), RAW files can be very subtle color change reservations and details. Color change, contrast adjustments, and other operations to make a RAW image output than similar JPEG files with the same changes in significant reduction in the number of heritage.

RealMedia format
One of the most popular format on the Internet streaming media content, RealMedia format, including sound clips and movies RealAudio RealVideo decoder codec. RealAudio and RealVideo files are often common RealMedia format. "RM" file extension. RealMedia format is a container format, often severely compressed stream over dial-up Internet access. RealMedia format, variable bit rate (RMVB format) has been developed VBR streaming file.

SDII (Sound Designer II)
For the Macintosh operating system, usually by professional-quality audio format with sound editing software. Documents such as AIFF and WAV SDII files can be stored uncompressed CD-quality audio capabilities.

Secure Digital Music Programme (SDMI's)
Secure Digital Music plans to establish a standard digital music files in the entire industry standards. The main purpose is to create a unified copyright protection agreements with a number of players, software and download site. SDMI compatible equipment and documents have a special code to recognize and comply with the copyright protection of material requirements.

SHN (shorten)
Shorten is a lossless compression format for digital audio. SHN file is only about half a WAV or AIFF in its original source size. Unlike lossy audio codecs, such as support for MP3, WMA, etc. (), SHN is a full reproduction of the original audio signal in the frequency instead of delete. Because of this, SHN provides significantly better sound quality than MP3. However, as shn files significantly larger than MP3 files, this format is almost as easy, when it comes to storage space or download time.

The TIFF (Tagged Image File Format)
TIFF is a widely used for digital still image of desktop publishing, flexible container format. TIFF images can be various forms of compression like JPEG (), can also be compressed. Some digital cameras offer a unique photo capture TIFF compression mode, but these files need to be many times the storage space than JPEG files, and can quickly fill your camera's available memory.

Variable bit rate (VBR)
Most newer audio and video codecs employ variable bit rate encoding, which makes the resulting file to look and sound better, but also to retain the compressed file size is known to facilitate the technology. In essence, VBR encoding bit allocation of more complexly, detailed some of the original sources, some small bit simple.

In contrast, constant bit rate (CBR) encoding uses the simple and complex channels the same amount of memory - to make it easier for users to experience complex parts in the quality of sound or visible damage, especially in low bit rate file.

Vorbis 的 (Ogg Vorbis format)
Vorbis is an "open source" digital audio compression format - that is, it exists in the public domain, is completely free for commercial or non-commercial purposes. Because Vorbis is the most frequently with a digital A / V container as "Ogg format as when used in combination," it is often referred to as "Ogg Vorbis format."

Vorbis formats, such as MP3, is a lossy compression system, to eliminate as inaudible frequency. Both formats offer variable bit rate coding scheme, to improve efficiency. But Vorbis format algorithm to determine what information is different from the MP3 player to use discarded. Supporters claim that, Vorbis format is superior to MP3 music files produced significantly less than similar sound quality MP3 (or files, sound better than similarly sized MP3).

A standard audio format for the Windows operating system, typically used to store uncompressed high-quality sound, use. CD-quality WAV files can contain (44.1 KHz/16-bit) audio signals. However, CD quality WAV files require relatively large amount of memory - about 10 minutes of music per-MB. wav is a container format.

WMA (Windows Media Audio)
Developed by Microsoft, Windows Media Audio is one of the most popular Internet audio formats. Although there is no popular MP3, WMA on the harm to the claim that it is beyond the area in sound quality MP3 files, particularly in coding, low bit-rate supporters, such as 64 or 96 Kbps of. This performance advantage makes it a convenient portable digital audio players, as the total playing time is limited, limited internal storage applications.

In the Windows Media Audio format features built-in copy protection, different MP3. Windows Vista, Microsoft's current flagship operating system software, including local support for WMA encoding, enabling users to create their own WMA music files.

Video (Windows Media Video)
Microsoft's proprietary lossy compression format for motion video. Windows Media Video is used by streaming and download content on the Internet. Microsoft's Windows Media Player, bundled with the Windows Vista operating system, applications, let you play and manage audio and video file types, including a series of WMA and WMV.

XviD format
XviD is an open source video codec based on damage MPEG - 4 based. This is developed in response to DivX and DivX received backward spelling of its name. XviD format compressed into a smaller number of video content, and keep a pretty good video resolution. It can be used for many different operating systems, and is transmitted over the Internet video is a popular choice.

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